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First the frame rails are bolted into our  "spine jig" and remain here through out the entire boxing process . This Massive "jig" will ensure the frame rails maintain their original contour during and after welding.


Straightening the rails

Before we begin fitting the boxing plates the rails need to be "fine tuned".  The rails tend to be a little wavy from the stamping process.  Using two specially designed tools, the rails will be reshaped so that the tops and bottoms of the rails are 90 degrees to the sides.  After that, the rails will be hammered and dollied to eliminate any waves or wrinkles that remain.  All straightening is done while the rails are bolted into the "spine jig."

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Welding the boxing plates


 After the boxing plates are fitted they are slowly TIG welded in place. We weld small "runs" and rotate the welds front to back, as well as side to side to ensure the rails  remain as cool as possible.   

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 The next step ... the boxed rails are then removed from the spine jig and fitted into the assembly ficture.

Our "frame jig" holds the rails to the original 1932 dimensions while the cross-members are installed. This fixture also allows us to properly match the rear-end housing to the frame. The ladder bars, shock mounts, and spring hangers (if using buggy spring) are all fitted to the rear-end housing while it is properly located under the "jigged" frame.


All welds are done by a certified TIG welder.

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